Hi, I'm Brenda
Olá, I'm Brenda van der Veen and I've been living in Portugal since August 2022. My love for Portugal started in 2017. I came to visit friends who started a glamping near here (Glamping Terra dos Anjos in Boavista- Serra do Bouro). Here I discovered that I really liked the way of life in Portugal. Slowing down, no watch. Of course I was here on vacation, but it felt like participating in the lifestyle they had adopted. If the neighbor came to ask if they could help harvest, we would help harvest. If we felt like eating mussels or oysters, we went to collect them in the lagoon at low tide. It may sound very simple, but that's what brought me here.
A lot has changed for me from October 2020 and I soon decided to cancel everything in the Netherlands and prepare for my emigration to Portugal. So I was on the plane in mid-August 2022 and my adventure started. The first nine months I lived with friends. In this time I have viewed many a piece of land and rejected an opinion refurbishment project. February 14, 2023 I finally reached an agreement with the sellers of Rua do Althino 8 and 8A, the property I have now renamed Casinha das Socas.
Everything was put into effect and finally I was able to sign the purchase contract on April 18, 2023. After that everything went very quickly. With the help of new and previously made friends, I was able to make everything to my liking and the inspection of the building, which is linked to the permit, could take place on July 26.
My dog's name is Pantufa which means Slipper. She used to live in a chain, but now she can enjoy her freedom.

Hi, I'm Brenda
"My love for Portugal started in 2017. Came to visit friends and... I was on the plane in mid August 2022 and my adventure started.